Archive for September, 2009

Day 238-244: Ain’t It Funny…

One of my all time favorite J.Lo jams is the “Ain’t It Funny” remix… Back when JA was still hot and I was closet J.Lo fan… Til today, I have most of her albums and I know more songs than I should ever admit to knowing… But I digress… The song goes…

Ain’t it funny/ Baby that you want me/ When you had me/ Love is crazy/ I’m glad I can smile and say…
… continue reading this entry.

Day 231-237 [Day 3/90]: When one door closes…

On Thursday, Cutie and I finally closed the door on us. I pleaded my case for the last time and he explained for the last time. I cried for the last time. And he held me for the last time. Twas hella painful and I wondered how I would get through a whole day of work on Friday. I hardly managed all morning. Calmed down into the afternoon and was all perked up by the evening, looking forward to dancing off all the bad vibes. I got my face made up and headed downtown, hoping for a slight case of amnesia.

I figured with some liquid courage and professional make-up, I could do like the alchies and

fake it til (I) make it … continue reading this entry.

Day 194 – 230: Part Two….

I can’t possibly have to go through meeting another dude, get excited, take the financial and emotional time to learn what he’s all about, take all the necessary precautions to try to not to fall too quickly, end up fallin’ anyway and be left alone picking up the pieces.

Can I just settle down already? Please? I’m tired of playing love games. I’m ready to just love and chill out a sec. Safe in the arms of love. I know this is cheesy as fuck but it’s true.

Maybe that’s too much pressure for Cutie. I dunno then why the fuck did we meet and connect? Why can’t I stop thinking about him? Why can’t we stay away from each other? Why? … continue reading this entry.

Day 194 – 230: Part One…

Yet another month without a blog. I’m tired of making excuses for not regularly posting stuff and I’m sure you’re tired of hearing it. I’ll tell you this much however… Many people have been able to figure who’s who behind some of my cleverly crafted pseudonyms so as much as I would love to share, it’s hella difficult to do so which makes blogging a drag even when I do have time… Which is never! I find pleasure in writing with no holds barred… It’s absolute freedom especially coz my life is an absolute circus but as much as I’d love to share, I can’t risk the wrong people knowing too much about me or those that I innocently mention in this space. That wouldn’t be fair to them or their/my hard work and endeavours. Nevertheless here goes… … continue reading this entry.