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Day 71-72: Spear-o-damus

Whenever you are just about to go on your periods, life sorta colludes in making the PMS that much more potent.

My gal,Ms Fabulous,was kind enough to let me in on a little secret. Albeit five days later. As Mother Dearest would say, ‘molato ga o bole’. The spelling is probably incorrect but the Tswana loosely translates into ‘a problem never rots/goes bad no matter how long it’s been there’. She often says it when we are watching a soapie or those Forgive and Forget type shows when the victim finally gets retribution or more specifically, the evil woman gets bust for all her plotting. The idiom couldn’t be more fitting right now, with nearly a week having passed.

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Day 67-70: Frontin’

I often blog, hoping to locate a resolution within the text. Especially when I’m struggling to express myself verbally, I find that writing organises the con-fuss-ion.

It’s pretty much in the same vein as when I teach my Sunday School kids. By explaining to them, I grasp the concept better. Writing amounts to explaining to the self. No wonder school teachers often insist on pupils summarising study material into their own words. Coz you figure more via that method…

Where am I going with this?
Dunno really. I’m just hoping to figure out the Easter weekend.

The last time I blogged, I thought that Shorty and I we’re pretty much nearing the end of our lil escapade. In fact, I still haven’t resaved his digits [just in case I turn out to be right, I guess].
The irony is that his digits now appear on my screen more than they ever did.

That translates into two things…
1. It’s a wonder that I don’t know his number off by heart by now. But honestly I’m making a concerted effort not to commit the last seven digits to memory. My eyes merely scan over them.
2. Somebody been reading the blog and stepped it up. Well, he admitted as much. But before we tackle that…
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Day 66: The Curious Case of KP-Spears…

Like I was saying… It’s like losing two things in one day… Boys come at a dime a dozen so I can get over Shorty… A cool job at a multi-national is proving to be a lil harder to swallow. Not because I really wanted the gig at this very time but coz it’s exactly like a romantic scenario… Boy meets girl. Boy likes girl. Girl still deciding but allows it. Boy goes out with girl. Girl begins to like Boy. Boy changes mind. Boy leaves girl. Girl heartbroken. … continue reading this entry.

Day 64-65: What I Can’t or Won’t see…

Life is one big fat bitter-sweet moment. Often what tastes so good, can turn around and leave your mouth reeling. It’s like chewing on that ol skool Wicks Bubblegum. It’s all pink, sugary and gooey… Slippin n slidin all over the inside of your mouth. You basically chew your life away but it’s not enough to keep it the gum in one spot so can’t really feel that sweetness… And then the worst happens, just when you are getting the hang of it, your tongue gets in the way right in the middle of biting down hard… It’s so sore that that the gum is now the worst thing you’ve ever had in your mouth… The absolute worst…. And you quickly spit it out, hoping that the pain will quickly subside. It finally does but now you have a gaping gash on your tongue. A reminder that you should’ve just taken your time.

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Day 60-63: what now?!

The past few days have been hella taxing. Personally and professionally. Good and bad. The day after April Fools Day marked the end of a very dramatic two months. None of what has transpired on the road to 180 Days ever occurred to me as a possibility. Not even a remote one.

Before we tackle the present and what the remaining 120 may bring, let’s recap…Lol!

… continue reading this entry.