Posts Tagged ‘butterflies’

Day 131 -138: When It All Falls Down…

I’ve spoken about those life-(altering)wedgies that come and take you by surprise just when you are beginning to love life. Or at least get into a rhythm.You know those times when everything is going right. You ain’t fighting with nobody. Drama is down to a minimum. You’ve made peace with the stuff that you can’t change. You’re making major strides in the departments that you can control and on top of it all, you’ve met a new dude who makes the old dude look like a chump. A chump that didn’t deserve your time in the first place. Your favourite song(s) keeps playing (The Dream-Rockin that Thang and Every Girl- Young Money and Drake-Best I Ever Had) and your crush digs you too so much that you can hardly believe your luck. But you don’t believe in luck so you can hardly believe your destiny. Complete with an atom-bomb of good vibes, lust and like infused electricity! I call it ZING, he calls it chemistry! OMG… the chemical infusion happening within can’t be good for you but it feels sooooo gooood!

And then all of a blue moon, the Script-Writer sends out a DEFCOM 5 []! ‘

AY! Don’t get too comfortable’

, He warns. … continue reading this entry.

Day 104-107: Kingdom Come…

A dramatic build up often concludes in an equally undramatic anti-climax! You’ll walk away and be on some… That’s it?! Really now? Really?! No… Seriously!

Today was a day of firsts… Let’s start with my first time hosting the 4AM-5AM slot. Dude! I really thought I would be less nervous which in turn turned out to be my biggest challenge (please note that I didn’t say ‘difficulty’. I picked that up from a guest lecturer, the other day. It’s a mere obstacle… A lil hill…) was my anxiety. Self-inflicted n absolutely self-indulgent… It appears that in those moments, I forgot the teachings from A New Earth and Dr Gary Zukav… Nerves amount to selfish energy because it makes the situation only about you. It’s not only about me but also the people listening and being subjected to poor radio because I’m way too self-involved to step out of MY anxiety to give them a decent show… Now I’m feeling like even though I get the above, I’ve gone from selfish to self-pity… Well, either way, there’s no room for egoism! Just Do It!

… continue reading this entry.