Posts Tagged ‘Lauryn Hill’

Day 93-104: Magic Moments Part I

Paulo Coelho once wrote of magic moments in his highly acclaimed novel, Down By The River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept. It’s a heavy love story focussing on a young woman’s quest for self discovery and more specifically love. He described a magic moment as that moment when a YES or NO changes your life forever. I feel like these 180 DAYS have been a series of magic moments in themselves. Which is bad and good. Good because everyday is one hella surprise after another. I can’t say that I’m bored at all. But I also can’t say that I know what’s really going on even on the basics front. It’s almost like having sex with a blindfold on. It’s cool for a bit but after a while, you just wanna know what’s going on… or maybe I’m just one hella control freak! Relaxa tu! But I guess that’s what life really is. a series of decisions that ultimate contribute to the Butterfly Effect whether you’d like to believe in the weight that a seemingly insignificant action may carry. … continue reading this entry.