Posts Tagged ‘busy’

Day 154-180 (+3): I AM KOPANO!

The last month has been insane and for the most part, I ain’t where I wanna be. Sure, I’m being challenged on the daily by this new gig and I’m all about being challenged to the max. But I’ve never ever ever been this stressed out. I guess it’s only fitting that LIVE TV is the third most stressful job in the world. Sure, I got to meet DJ DRAMA but really now…Does that make it worth it..?!
I asked to be challenged, not to go out the same way as Michael Jackson (with a dam heart attack). I mean I’m currently in a space that saw me be unable to blog for over a month because things are that hectic and crazy and insane and BUSY! And all I really wanna do is put on some Marvin Gaye and

get it on … continue reading this entry.